Laurie DeVault
This is why I do not have just one consistent style. My work is often distinct and recognizable, but it is also quite varied. Different days bring forth different moods, and different moods give birth to a variety of creations. It is all a journey, uncharted and unbound, my favorite way to travel. ~Laurie


Nationally Known

Works on Commission
Laurie DeVault grew up here in Sierra Madre, enjoying a life filled with travel and creative pursuits. Her parents valued the arts and filled the home with music, paintings, pottery, and art books. She spent part of her early childhood in Mexico, and summers were spent traveling and camping.
DeVault earned her degree in art from Humboldt State University, where she pursued her passion for black and white photography. After receiving her teaching credential, she went on to enjoy a long and satisfying career as an early childhood educator. With all the time spent teaching and raising a son, there was little left over for artistic pursuits. But once she retired, DeVault found her way back to her easel and paintbrushes again.
When working in her home studio, DeVault feels free to trust the creative process, allowing the painting to emerge without any preconceived notions as to what it should be. Swirls of color, bold shapes, and playful marks all come together to create a feast for the eye and a journey for the imagination.
Preferring to not be wedded to one consistent style, DeVault chooses instead to experiment with colors, shapes, and lines; to remain open to the joy of discovery and creation.