"I paint with my senses, exploring reality through macro photography and emotions. I layer materials and colors to create a dialogue between the visible and the invisible. My art reflects my inner world, a connection between nature and the everyday."


Nationally Known

Works on Commission
Venezuelan born Marinés Adrianza is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist. Her work finds inspiration in her passion for macro photography and her studies of human behavior and emotion. She considers her studio a laboratory for experimenting with mediums and techniques. Adrianza's practice finds inspiration in her passion for macro photography and her studies of human behavior and emotion. A depiction of an internal world that connects nature and the quotidian with the artist’s own subconscious mind.
Adrianza utilizes layers of translucent paint mixed with many materials such as oil sticks and graphite to represent visual, psychological or emotional aspects of life. She is interested in the gestures and rhythmic spurts of the hand while painting as she believes it's an inexplicable language that can be experienced by the viewer evoking an emotion. Her work has been shown in galleries across the country. And she’s been most recently featured in the City of Los Angeles Latino Heritage Month Calendar, Create! Magazine, Juniper Rag Magazine and Women United Art Magazine. When she’s not involved in the making or contemplation of art, she is teaching and furthering her sensory education in the kitchen or in the wild with her two children in Los Angeles, CA